Endowment gold portfolio

Endowment gold portfolio

The Waqf Gold Portfolio is an endowment investment portfolio that involves purchasing gold and trading it in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles. Gold is considered a precious metal, a store of value, and a safe haven for investment. This is achieved through the opening of a specialized gold trading store in Istanbul. The proceeds from this portfolio contribute to achieving sustainable development goals in Yemen, in line with the vision of the Oweis Al-Qarni Endowment for Programs and Paths of Civilizational Advancement.


The Waqf Gold Portfolio is an investment portfolio that involves purchasing gold and trading it in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles, considering it as a precious metal and a store of value, and a safe haven for investment. This is achieved through the opening of a specialized gold trading store in Istanbul, with its proceeds dedicated to achieving sustainable development goals in Yemen under the vision of the Oweis Al-Qarni Endowment for Programs and Paths of Civilizational Advancement.

Where are the returns of the Waqf Portfolio spent?

70% of the portfolio’s proceeds are allocated to covering the costs of the following civilizational advancement programs and paths:

  • Nurturing and preparing talented and distinguished individuals as future leaders.
  • Developing administrative and societal leadership, enhancing their professional and skill capacities.
  • Enhancing the performance of governmental and non-governmental institutions.
  • Promoting societal awareness and reshaping public opinion to reinforce a unified national identity.

30% of the returns are allocated to the development and growth of the investment portfolio and its operation.


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