Owais Al-Qarni Waqf

About Us

Owais Al-Qarni Waqf

A developmental institution with a charitable nature aims to establish the largest collaborative endowment in Yemen's history. Its proceeds will be allocated to programs fostering cultural advancement and its pathways. All Yemenis and Yemen enthusiasts worldwide contribute to its establishment and development, as it is conceived as a financial and investment-based endowment institution.

The endowment was established in Istanbul, Turkey, and a license was granted to it by court ruling on March 27, 2017, according to the Turkish Endowment Law, which is one of the strongest endowment laws in the world.

License number: 6222
Court decision number: 2016/223-2016/501
Tax number: 9250524198
Tax exempt

Our strategic objectives

Establishing the foundation with the contribution of all Yemenis and Yemen lovers around the world and developing its resources as financial foundation institution.

Strengthening the patriotic spirit among Yemenis as partners in creating the largest Waqf (Foundation) in the history of Yemen.

Consolidating the national identity and achieving sustainable development in Yemen.

Our Values

The initiative, Ambition, Partnership, Transparency, Institutionalization, Sustainability

Our Mission

To build our Waqf (Foundation) To contribute to the sustainable development To achieve prosperity for Yemen

Our vision

The best participatory endowment initiative is to build the new Yemen.

Our Approach

  • – Openness to all Yemenis, receiving their contributions, ideas and funds, so that each Yemeni, and Yemen lovers can contribute in the development of the foundation, with a share in the foundation, or more than one share, gifted for his parents or the people he loves.

    – The shareholder is a partner in the Waqf (Foundation) for developing Yemen. He is entitled to obtain a trust contribution document and periodic reports. In addition, he has the right to express opinions and proposals for the development of the Waqf (Foundation).

    – The Waqf (Foundation) is an endowment financial institution that invests funds and assets in open investment portfolios in accordance with economic feasibility studies for various investment projects with high profitability under the supervision of the Investment Committee of the Foundation, which is composed  of businessmen, elites and reliable economists.

    – To maintain the sustainability of the Foundation and its development in accordance with the Turkish Trust Law by spending (70%) of the Trust revenues on programs that achieve its objectives, and (30%) for  increasing the capital of the foundation to keep it from depreciation and ensure its sustainability.

    – Building effective partnerships with all concerned institutions and structures involved to contribute to the development of the Foundation work, funding its projects, development programs and cooperation to implement them

President's speech

صلاح باتيس وقف أويس القرني

Mr. Salah Bates

كلنا يعلم المكانة العظيمة التي يحظى بها اليمن واليمنيون في قلوب الناس جميعا، فهم أصل العرب وأرق الناس قلوبا وألينهم أفئدة وبلدهم ذات الموقع الجغرافي جنوب غرب الجزيرة العربية، على مضيق باب المندب الذي يعتبر موقعا استراتيجيا هاما لجميع دول العالم، إضافة إلى ثروات البلاد الطبيعية ومناخها المتنوع.

ويبقى الإنسان اليمني أهم ثروة وعامل فاعل في التنمية بما يتميز به من صفات وتحمل وصبر وتأقلم مع ظروف الحياة المتقلبة وخلال الهجرات المتتالية لليمنيين على مر التاريخ شهدت لهم كل شعوب الأرض بالتعايش والتسامح والقدرة على الاندماج والفاعلية، إضافة إلى الانضباط واحترام قوانين البلاد التي يهاجروا إليها.

كما يعتبر رأس المال اليمني المهاجر ثروة هائلة، حيث أصبح اليمنيون في دول الخليج وشرق افريقيا وجنوب شرق آسيا وأمريكا وأوروبا من كبار المستثمرين، وبعضهم أصبحوا من صناع القرار في تلك البلدان.

هذا الإرث والحضارة والتاريخ الذي يمتلكه اليمن لا شك أنه دافع كبير لأهل هذا البلد العظيم لإحداث تنمية شاملة وازدهار واستقرار وتطور لا حد له، لذا اخترنا أن نبادر في هذه الظروف العصيبة فمن رحم الألم يولد الأمل ومن وسط الظلام يبزغ الفجر.

وأطلقنا هذه المبادرة التشاركية والفكرة الطموحة المتمثلة بوقف أويس القرني تُرك لليمن السعيد.

أيها الكرام .. مستقبل بلادنا يبشر بخير عظيم، فأبناء اليمن في كل مكان بالعالم يحققون نجاحات كبيرة نراها كل يوم فمنهم العلماء والمخترعون والمتميزون في ميادين العلم والفن والرياضة والإبداع نسعى أن يكونوا الداعم الرئيسي لرؤية

وأهداف الوقف للوصول إلى اليمن الجديد، وإعادة صياغة الهوية الوطنية الجامعة، ونشر ثقافة التعايش والتكافل ونبذ الاختلاف والفرقة والعصبية بأنواعها، ونكون #كالجسد_الواحد

هيا بنا نقرأ الماضي بعمق ونحلل الواقع بدقة ونستشرف المستقبل بتفاؤل وأمل، ونكسر حاجز اليأس ونستثمر الفرص ونتجاوز المخاطر ونضع رؤية شاملة لتنمية الوطن وبناء قدرات أهله وتأهيل كوادره وتطوير مؤسساته الرسمية والأهلية، والاستفادة من التجارب الناجحة التي نشاهدها حول العالم.

دعوتي لكل أبناء اليمن ومحبيه بكل مكوناتهم وفئاتهم وانتماءاتهم أن نلتف حول هذه المبادرة ونبني معا وقف أويس القرني ليكون انطلاقة عملية تشاركية نوعية لبناء اليمن السعيد بعون الله.

صلاح باتيس

رئيس الوقف

We all know the great significance that Yemen and Yemenis hold in the hearts of people everywhere. They are the origin of the Arabs, the kindest of people in hearts, the softest in nature, and their country is located in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, on the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which is considered a strategic location for all countries in the world. In addition to the natural resources and diverse climate of the country.

The Yemeni people remain the most important asset and active factor in development, characterized by qualities of endurance, patience, and adaptation to changing life circumstances. Throughout the successive migrations of Yemenis throughout history, witnessed by all peoples of the earth, they have demonstrated coexistence, tolerance, the ability to integrate, and effectiveness, in addition to discipline and respect for the laws of the countries they migrate to.

The Yemeni migrant capital is also considered a huge wealth, as Yemenis in the Gulf countries, East Africa, Southeast Asia, America, and Europe have become among the top investors, and some of them have become decision-makers in those countries.

This heritage, civilization, and history possessed by Yemen undoubtedly serve as a great impetus for the people of this great country to bring about comprehensive development, prosperity, stability, and limitless progress. Therefore, we chose to take the initiative in these difficult circumstances, for from the womb of pain comes hope, and from the midst of darkness emerges dawn.

We have launched this collaborative initiative and ambitious idea represented by the Oweis Al-Qarni Endowment, left for a happy Yemen.

Dear all, the future of our country promises great goodness. Yemenis everywhere in the world are achieving great successes that we witness every day. Among them are scholars, inventors, and distinguished individuals in the fields of science, art, sports, and creativity. We strive for them to be the main supporters of the vision and goals of the endowment to reach the New Yemen, to redefine the national identity, spread a culture of coexistence, solidarity, reject differences, divisions, and all kinds of sectarianism, and to be #Like_One_Body.

Let us delve deep into the past, analyze the present accurately, and look forward to the future with optimism and hope. Let us break the barrier of despair, seize opportunities, overcome risks, and develop a comprehensive vision for the development of the nation, building the capacities of its people, qualifying its cadres, and developing its official and civil institutions, and benefit from successful experiences that we see around the world.

I call on all the sons and daughters of Yemen and their lovers, with all their components, categories, and affiliations, to rally around this initiative and collectively build the Oweis Al-Qarni Endowment to be a qualitative collaborative launch for building a happy Yemen with the help of Allah.

Salah Batis

Head of the Endowment

Waqf cycle

The endowment adopts a clear methodology of work based on the best values, practices, and rules of institutional work and governance in the field of endowment work, based on three stages:

This stage is based on establishing the endowment with the contribution of all Yemenis and those who love Yemen around the world with endowment shares and assets and strengthening their national spirit as partners in creating the largest endowment in the history of Yemen through

This stage is based on establishing the endowment with the contribution of all Yemenis and those who love Yemen around the world with endowment shares and assets and strengthening their national spirit as partners in creating the largest endowment in the history of Yemen through

In conjunction with the first phase (creating the endowment), these funds are invested under the supervision of a group of Yemeni businessmen and lovers of Yemen who have experience in various fields of investment.
رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"
  • المحافظة على أصول وموارد الوقف وتنميتها على المدى الطويل من خلال الاستثمار في أصول متعددة
  • اتباع سياسات استثمارية متوازنة تغطي أصولاً ومشاريع استثمارية متنوعة طويلة وقصيرة الأجل.
  • حماية الأصول الموقوفة من خلال تنويع محافظ الاستثمار في فئات أصول متنوعة
  • التركيز على الاستثمارات قليلة المخاطر ذات عوائد مالية مجزية

يتبع الوقف في مرحلة التثمير قواعد العمل الاستثماري بحيث يضمن مضاعفة الأسهم الوقفية واستدامتها وزيادة عوائدها

This phase is supervised by a team of experts who are empowered in their scientific fields and specializes in achieving the goals of the endowment by establishing specialized institutions and partnership with relevant organizations and authorities and setting appropriate standards and programs to consolidate the unifying national identity and achieve the civilizational advancement of Yemen through four basic tracks on which the endowment’s revenues are spent and have been extracted from Studying and analyzing the experiences of different countries that went through conflicts and social disintegration, which soon ended, reached stability, and embarked on the journey of renaissance. These four paths are:

أولاً: الاهتمام بالموهوبين والمتميزين، وإعدادهم قادةً للمستقبل.

ثانياً: تطوير القيادات الإدارية والمجتمَعِية، ورفع قدراتهم المهنية والمهارية.

ثالثاً: تطوير أداء المؤسسات الحكومية والأهلية من خلال:

  • تعزيز أركان العمل المؤسسي.
  • تعزيز مبادئ الجودة والحوكمة.
  • بناء الشراكات والتوأمة المؤسسية.

رابعاً: الاهتمام بالوعي المجتمعي وإعادة صياغة الرأي العام بما يُعزز الهُوية الوطنية الجامعة ونشر ثقافة التعايش واحترام التنوع، وتحقيق السلام الدائم، ونبذ كل أنواع العصبيات وعوامل التفرقة المجتمعية

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