The president of #Owis_Qarni _Turkish Foundation#Mr._Salah_Bates welcomed his Excellency the Ambassador of the Turkish Republic Dr. Farok Bozkoz at the Foundation’s Headquarters in Istanbul

During the visit of his Excellency to the Foundation, he explored the Foundation’s idea, goals, programs, and its vision for building new Yemen, also he viewed the Foundation’s initiative that through every Yemeni and Yemen lover can obtain a share in the Foundation with a value of 100$ for gifted for himself or for his parents or even for who he loves, so the Foundation will become a project that has its own resources by the contribution of all, the Foundation also supports the projects of exhaustive evolution and renaissance in Yemen as a sustain Foundation and free handout for all contributors.
His Excellency has taken down some words in the guest book expressing his happiness about the Foundation’s Idea, also he ensured the preparedness of himself and his country as well to cooperate with the Foundation to achieve its goals for building Yemen and its neighboring people
# Owis_Qarni_Foundation

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