As the first gift from the Foundation for all contributors and all Yemeni as well

Owis Qarni Foundation made an announcement for all the outstanding students that the Foundation will choose the students who are accepted in Yemen Pioneers program 2019-2020 from the YTB registered student list which is sponsored by the partnership between Owis Qarni Foundation and the Turkish Grant institution.

Who wants to register in the competition to gain a seat in Yemen Pioneers program has to commit with the following:

  1. Registering in the Turkish Grant institution ( which ends in 20\2\2019
  2. Choosing one of the following departments while registering:
  • Engineering departments

Civil Engineering, Petrol & Gas Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligent Engineering, Renewable energy engineering and Aeronautical engineering

  • Financial and administrative departments:

Economy, business administration, Banking, investment and financial administration, insurance, HR management, and marketing

  • Other departments:

Law, international relations, mass communication, educational administration, health management, government administration, institutional excellence, geographic information system, cultural planning, tourism management

  1. After you finish registering, kindly you can fill the information at the following link

You have to know that we will form a committee from the Turkish Grant institution and Owis Qarni Foundation to choose the accepted students according to the program’s protocol and standards.


  • The seats of the program will be distributed as the following: 70% for the post-graduate, 30% for BSc.
  • All students have to comply with the whole requirements of the program which include the qualifying and training to prepare Yemen Pioneers within the educational years.
  • The fully commitment to the trust’s activities and programs that aiming at the development and renaissance of Yemen.
  • The seats of the Yemen Pioneers Program are separate from those approved for Yemen by the Turkish grant institution

For contacting or inquiries



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